Why Are Half of My LED Strip Lights Not Working?

You are used to normal LED operation but are now wondering why half of my LED strip lights are not working.

 This is a common problem resulting from many causes, but it has a concrete solution. 

The main causes of such problems include loose connections between the power source and strips, damaged components/segments, and voltage fluctuations/insufficient voltage supply. 

Simple solutions like inspecting/fixing connections, replacing damaged components, and supplying enough power can fix the problems. 

Today’s piece highlights the main causes of LED strip light failures and the solutions you can employ. Let’s get rolling!

Why Are Half of Your LED Strip Lights Not Working

If you notice half of your LED strip lights are not working, the following are among the causes. 

Poor Electrical Connections

A poor connection in any electrical circuit interferes with the proper flow of current. 

And for the case of LED strip lights, poor connections deny LEDs the current required to produce light.

 Therefore, check the connection and wiring and ensure there is proper soldering. 

Faulty LED Segment

Manufacturers design LED strip lights with different segments; when one segment fails, all the lights from that point cease functioning. 

Therefore, you must inspect the whole strip for malfunctions or physical damage and make necessary repairs. 

Insufficient Power

LED strip lights before connection

(LED strip lights before connection)

LED strip light functions under specific wattage and voltage supply.

 The principle behind their operation is that when you supply voltage to the strip lights, holes and electrons recombine, producing light. 

Therefore, whenever your power supply produces insufficient power, the entire LED strip light or half of it might stop working. 

The solution is to ensure the power supply meets the LED strip light power/voltage requirement. 

Voltage Drop

LED strip lights are very sensitive to voltage fluctuations or major voltage drops in the circuit.

 In most cases, you will notice a dim LED light or half of the strip not functioning. 

Most manufacturers and experts recommend power injection techniques where you introduce amplifiers or extra power sources in your circuit.

 As such, you can achieve consistent voltage and eliminate cases of strip light failure. 

Driver/Controller Failure

LED strip light on a reel

(LED strip light on a reel)

Modern LED strip lights are designed with drivers and controllers that users use to regulate light. 

And when these drivers and controllers fail, you might notice half of your LED strip lights not working to expectations.

 Therefore, you can test your drivers/controllers with a different strip source to determine their condition. 

Environmental Causes

Sometimes, harsh environmental conditions like exposure to moisture and extreme temperature cause malfunction. 

Therefore, ensure you install and operate the strip lights in the right operation condition, free of extreme heat or moisture. 

How To Solve Half of My LED Strip Lights Not Working

A man soldering an LED strip

(A man soldering an LED strip)

If half of your LED strip lights are not working, follow the steps below to correct the issue. 

Check the power supply

Your power supply should be offering the right wattage and voltage and functioning appropriately. Generally, you should never have loose connections on your power supply. 

Inspect your connections

This is the time to inspect your LED strip lights and ensure the connection to your power supply is secure. And if you come across loose or faulty connections, replace, solder, or reattach them well. 

Test Your LED Strip Light Segments:

 Since LED strip lights are made with small segments, you can disconnect and test to identify where the problem is. And once you find the segment responsible for half the strip light not working, replace it immediately. 

Address The Voltage Drop:

 When the LED strip is very long, you will likely experience a voltage drop. Therefore, you should employ power injection techniques like adding amplifiers and incorporating extra power sources along your strip to supply a consistent voltage. 

Inspect the driver or controller:

 Most modern LED strip lights are designed with a driver or controller that might be a source of failure. 

Environmental adjustments

Some LED strip lights are sensitive to harsh environmental conditions like high temperatures and humidity. Try relocating your LED strip lights to a different location and determine whether they start operating normally. 

Approach an expert

If all the above options fail, your only solution would be to approach an expert electrician to help troubleshoot the problem. 

Signs You Need To Replace Your LED Strip Lights

A person installing LED strip light in an indoor environment

(A person installing LED strip light in an indoor environment)

This section highlights the signs that show your LED strip lights need a replacement. 

  • First, you will see flickering or dim lights, which shows that the power supply or the LEDs are deteriorating. 
  • Secondly, you might notice uneven lighting where some LED lights are dimmer or brighter than others. 
  • Thirdly, although LED strip lights come in different color options, the lights might appear uneven or faded. When this happens, just know the LED strip lights are not operating properly and need fixing or replacement. 
  • Moreover, check for any physical damage, especially with damaged connectors, exposed wiring, and broken strip light segments. 
  • Furthermore, check for any non-responsiveness or inconsistencies in LED strip light controls. In most cases, the LED strip light or controllers are damaged and needs replacement. 
  • Finally, if your LED strip light emits excessive heat, some components or the whole LED strip light is damaged and requires a replacement. 


Why are half of your LED strip lights dim? 

We have several reasons why one-half of your LED strip light is dim, as we’ll highlight below:

  • First, the connection between your LED strip light and the power supply might be damaged or loose. 
  • Secondly, your circuit might be experiencing a voltage drop or getting insufficient power. 
  • Thirdly, LED strip lights become dim when the strip light segment deteriorates or malfunctions. 
  • Research shows that LED strip lights dim naturally with time (the dimming accelerates with improper care and maintenance).

Is it possible to replace damaged LED strip lights? 

Yes! LED strip lights are designed with different segments that you can independently replace. 

This way, replacing only the damaged parts becomes possible rather than incurring more costs to buy a new strip light.

 However, during replacement, ensure the new segment matches the design/specification of the main LED strip light for consistent illumination. 

Final Remarks

We would be lying if we said you would use LED grow lights without experiencing minor or major problems. 

One such problem is half of the LED strip lights not working to expectation. 

We can attribute this to many reasons, including but not limited to poor electrical connections, faulty segments, and insufficient power. 

However, regardless of the magnitude of this problem, following the above guide will save the situation.