How To Put LED Lights on TV

Understanding how to put LED lights on TV is a sure way of incorporating an exciting ambiance into your daily entertainment experience. 

LED lights produce a dynamic visual display that matches the display from your TV screen, thus enhancing the overall experience. 

But to put your LED light on your TV, you’ll require a power source, smartphone app/remote, adhesive tapes, and LED light. 

Generally, you cut the LED strip light to fit the dimension of your television and fit it at the back using adhesive tapes. 

And after connecting the LED lights to a power source, you can adjust the different light aspects to acquire your desired lighting experience. 

Keep reading to understand how to put LED lights on your television. 

Why Install LED Lights on Your TV?

Why would anyone incur an extra cost to install LED lights on their TV? This section highlights the reasons why:

Ambiance Enhancement

Very few lighting options can create the ambiance that comes with LED lights. 

These lights allow you to incorporate a soft glow into your entertainment space, thus creating an engaging environment. 

As a result, your viewing session and overall entertainment moods become more enjoyable. 

Visual Impact

LED lights on your TV will improve the visual impact of whatever content you’re enjoying. 

Funny enough, LED light on a TV extends the visuals and colors beyond the screen, thus creating a larger visual canvas. 

Moreover, the color on your television will become more vibrant, improving the picture quality. 

Gaming Experience

If you are a serious gamer, you can use LED lights to improve the gaming experience. 

Any time you sync with your game, they’ll change intensity and color based on the in-game actions, thus making the gaming more engaging. 

Customization Options

Modern LED lights have customization options that allow you to adjust the brightness levels, colors, and lighting effects to fit what you are watching. 

Surprisingly, many LED lights have features that let you manipulate light using smartphone apps and remote control. 

Eye Comfort

Research shows that watching television in a dark space over a bright screen might strain your eyes. 

Therefore, using LED lights offers indirect ambient lighting that limits the contrast between the dark environment and the bright screen.

 As a result, you are likely to experience a comfortable viewing environment. 

Decor Enhancement

Many people now use LED lights for decorative purposes to incorporate a modern and stylish touch into their TV setup.

 Therefore, your house setup will remain top-notch even when your television is off. 

Why Choose LED Lights To Decorate Your TV? 

Different LED light types

(Different LED light types)

Why would you use LED lights to decorate your television and not other options like fluorescent and incandescent lights?

Flexibility and versatility

LED lights excel in this function mainly because of their high versatility and flexibility, making them easy to install on any surface type. 

And there is no limit to the number of LEDs you can place on the strip to decorate your TV. 

Energy Efficiency

LED lights are among the most energy-efficient lighting option in the industry, providing more light and consuming less energy than incandescent and fluorescent lights. 

You’ll also pay less for energy bills despite getting vibrant and bright illumination. 

Easy Installation

A person installing LED lights around an object

(A person installing LED lights around an object)

Since LED lights come with adhesive backing, you’ll find them easy to install.

 You just attach the adhesive to your LED strip and stick it at the back of your TV. 

Surprisingly, modern LED lights have a USB cable to connect to your TV’s USB port. 

Customizable Options

LED lights are available in many lighting effects and colors that you can easily customize to fit your preference.

 Surprisingly, there is even an option to synch with the content on your television. 

Step-by-Step Guide To Connecting LED Lights on TV

Colored LED lights for decoration

(Colored LED lights for decoration)

Adding LED lights to your TV can provide an exciting entertainment experience and could be easy if you follow the below steps. 

Choose LED Lights

The market has many reliable LED lights you can connect to your television. So select an option that matches your color and length preferences. 

The LED lights should also be compatible with extra features like a smartphone app or remote control. 

And most importantly, the LED lights should be designed for television backlighting. 

Measure Your TV

Acquire a measuring tape and take the accurate measurement of your television. This way, it becomes easy to determine the actual length of LED strip light you need for your project. 

But we recommend buying a slightly longer length to cover the full TV length. 

Clean Your TV

An LED strip light won’t stick well on a dirty surface, especially if it contains grease, dust, or oils.

 Therefore, use a soft cloth and cleaning solution to wipe off dust or dirt from the TV. Funny enough, a clean surface guarantees better adhesion. 

Attach Your LED Lights

Peel off the adhesive backing from the strip light and place it carefully at your desired position on your television.

 You can start from one end and continue along the edges until you are satisfied that the attachment is good enough. 

However, ensure the strip lights are distributed evenly. 

This is also the time to identify and connect your LED strip light to a reliable power supply. 

The LED strip has a USB plug that you can insert into the USB port at the back of your television. 

Alternatively, connect a USB power adapter to a reliable power socket. 

Test Your Connection

Colored LED lights

(Colored LED lights)

This is the time to turn on the TV and test your connection to see whether everything is functioning well.

 And since modern television has LED smartphone apps and remote control to regulate brightness or color, you can test such features to ensure your connection runs well. 

Adjust the LED light position and alignment if necessary to achieve your desired outcome.

Manage Cables

Secure all the loose cables connected to your LED lights and television to keep everything neat. And you can use adhesive hooks and cable clips to eliminate tangling cases. 

With the LED lights fully connected, you can sit back and enjoy playing music or watching movies.


Is it safe to place LED lights behind your TV?

Yes! Nothing stops you from having LED strip lights behind your television. 

Since LED lights produce limited heat than incandescent/fluorescent lights, the television won’t overheat or damage during use. 

However, we recommend you employ the safety standards and only use LED lights supporting backlighting. 

Should you put LED lights on your TV?

The decision to put LED lights on your television should be based on your preference. 

Although it’s not a must to have LED lights on your TV, having them will improve the visual ambiance and enhance eye comfort. 

However, some consider adding LED lights unnecessary and destructive, especially since they cost extra energy. 

Final Remarks

We have seen a new trend where people are incorporating LED lights on their televisions to improve the overall entertainment experience. 

Surprisingly, having LED lights on your TV eliminates eye discomfort experienced in dark spaces.

 Moreover, it enhances the ambiance and the visual impact of whatever content you’re watching. 

We have highlighted above all the steps you need to connect LED lights on your TV to improve your movie and gaming experience. 

Even as you follow the steps, ensure you abide by the safety standards to avoid damaging the LEDs or television.