How Much Electricity Do LED Lights Use

How much electricity do LED lights use? We understand that LED lights are the most energy-efficient, providing more illumination and consuming less energy than fluorescent and incandescent lights. 

Surprisingly, supplying energy to your LED light converts at least 90% of it to useful light compared to about 10% for incandescent lights.

 And this is despite them consuming about 75% less electricity than incandescent lights. 

But generally, the electricity LED lights consume depends on factors like the LED model’s efficiency, hours in use, and LED wattage. 

Today’s article helps you understand the electricity amount your LED light consumes while highlighting the specific factors determining electricity cost. Let’s get rolling!

Understanding LED Power Terminologies

Below are some critical LED power terminologies worth your attention.


The watts/wattage in an LED determines its brightness and power consumption. LED lights are available in varying brightness, allowing you to select the one appropriate for your application. 

Generally, LED lights have lower wattage than conventional options, like incandescent and fluorescent lights.

For example, while most incandescent lights can produce a specific illumination while consuming about 60 watts, an LED light will emit the same brightness consuming only 10 watts. 

As you can see, this reduces energy consumption by almost five times, thus contributing to reduced energy costs. 

But remember, you don’t determine the quality of LED lights by checking the wattage alone. You can focus on color temperature, energy star rating, and lumens. 


Lumens measure the light output/brightness of any LED light source, thus representing the amount of visible light available. 

Therefore, a brighter LED bulb represents a higher lumen rating.

We usually use higher-lumen LEDs in places like workspaces and kitchens that require brighter illumination. 

Conversely, we employ lower-lumen LEDs for decorative lighting in the bedroom or living room. 

Do LEAD lights use a lot of electricity?

LED light

(LED light)

No! LED lights don’t consume a lot of electricity like other solutions like incandescent and fluorescent light. 

They are energy efficient, and we know them for consuming less energy and emitting more light.

 On average, they consume about 25-85% less energy than fluorescent lights and 75% less energy than incandescent lights. 

Therefore, their low energy consumption reduces environmental impact and translates into energy cost savings.

 As a result, most homeowners are replacing traditional incandescent and fluorescent lights with more energy-efficient LED lights. 

How Much Electricity Do LED Lights Use?

LED strip lying on a black background

(LED strip lying on a black background)

LED lights are the most energy-efficient solution, consuming less electricity than fluorescent and incandescent lights.

 Interestingly, they consume almost 75% less electricity than conventional lighting options. 

Generally, LED electricity consumption depends mainly on the operation hours and bulb wattage. 

On average, LED lights consume about 2-20 watts, with a higher value representing a brighter illumination. 

For example, expect a 10-watt LED to emit the same light illumination as a 60-watt incandescent option. 

Simply put, using an LED light for about three hours daily consumes 3-12 kWh annually. 

How To Save LED Lights Electricity Costs

Beautiful glowing LED lights

(Beautiful glowing LED lights)

Follow the following strategies to save on LED light electricity costs.

Buy energy-efficient LED lights: Direct your focus on LEDs with a lower watt rating but decent brightness. This way, you’ll save on energy consumption and reduce the power bills. 

Focus on lumen rather than watts: We measure light brightness in lumens and not watts. Therefore, focus on the appropriate lumen to light your desired area and not on watts. 

Use dimmer switches: We use dimmers to adjust the LED light brightness. As a result, it becomes easier to dictate/lower electricity consumption and extend the lifespan. 

Use timers: We are certain your house has some areas, like bathrooms and outdoor spaces, where you leave lights on unnecessarily. It would help to use motion sensors and timers to switch on the lights only when actively needed. 

Optimize natural light: Why use LED lights during the day when sunlight is maximum? During this time, opening your windows and utilizing natural light would help. 

Employ task lighting: Instead of lighting the whole room, employ focused lighting for specific purposes like studying. 

Regular maintenance and cleaning: Accumulation of dust or dirt on LED lights limits efficiency. Therefore, employ regular cleaning and maintenance to enhance performance. 

Buy quality LED lights: Generally, energy efficiency and durability improve with LED light quality. And although investing in high-quality LED light is initially expensive, they consume less electricity in the long term, thus reducing energy costs. 

Encourage energy-saving habits: The household or working environment members should promote energy-saving behavior and habits. 

Factors That Affect LED Strip Light Electricity Costs

Coils of RGB LED strip

(Coils of RGB LED strip)

LED lights are becoming popular and replacing conventional lights thanks to their versatility and energy efficiency. 

And although they use less electricity than fluorescent and incandescent options, the following factors will affect the LED electricity cost. 

LED Strip Length

Generally, the number of LEDs increases with the strip length. As a result, the power consumption increases as the length increases. 

Therefore, select an appropriate strip length, just enough to light your desired length, to prevent additional energy costs. 

LED Strip Wattage

LEDs are available in different wattages with a higher rating representing more electricity consumption. 

Therefore, select LEDs with an appropriate wattage to get the desired brightness at an affordable cost. 

Operating Hours

The LED electricity consumption increases with the number of hours it is on.

 If you wish to save energy and reduce the period the lights are on, we recommend using motion sensors and timers. 

Dimming and Controls

Modern LED strip lights are designed with different control systems like smart automation systems and dimmer switches that allow you to control or dim lights remotely. 

Generally, dimmers will limit the light brightness, reducing electricity consumption and consequently lowering energy costs. 

Energy Efficiency

LED strip lights are desired with different energy efficiency, and this efficiency determines the power consumption. 

A higher energy efficiency guarantees lower electricity consumption, limited heat emission, and maximum light production. 

Power Supply Efficiency

The power supply determines the overall electricity consumption. 

Therefore, we recommend a high-quality power supply with excellent energy efficiency to provide limited electricity wastage. 

Moreover, this will guarantee a higher lifespan for the LED strip light

Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular and proper cleaning and maintenance optimize LED energy efficiency and performance.

 Generally, the accumulation of dirt and dust limits LED brightness, consequently increasing energy consumption. 


Are LED lights more energy efficient than incandescent and fluorescent lights?

Yes! LED lights are more energy efficient than incandescent and fluorescent lights.

 Research shows that they consume about 75% and 30% less electricity than incandescent and fluorescent lights but still convert 90% of this energy into useful light. 

The high efficiency translates into reduced energy consumption and power cost. 

Will LEDs last longer? 

Yes! LED lights will last longer than all the other lighting options, including incandescent and fluorescent lights. 

Surprisingly, they can last between 50,000-100,000 hours which is higher than 1,000-2,000 hours for incandescent and 8,000-10,000 hours for fluorescent lights. 

As a result, you’ll experience fewer replacements or repairs with LED lights than the other options. 

Are LED lights cheaper to operate? 

Yes! LED lights come with increased energy efficiency and high durability. 

This reduces energy consumption and low replacements, leading to cheaper operating costs. 

Final Remarks

LED lights offer the least electricity consumption, presenting a higher energy efficiency than incandescent and fluorescent lights.

 Research shows that they consume almost 80% less electricity than incandescent lights but still emit 90% of them as useful light. 

As a result, you’ll pay so little as far as the energy cost is concerned.